Dental assistants, the call has been answered.
Customizing bur blocks has proven to save dental practices time and money.
There's no doubt about it, organization pays off. Whether it's how you manage back up inventory or maintain chairside kits for each procedure, any steps that can be taken to improve workflow efficiency are much appreciated by not just the dentist and office staff, but by patients too!
SureFit™ stainless steel blocks are not only durable and stylish, while holding 4-20 items, they also will streamline workflows. Customers have laser marked our blocks to indicate the dentist/business name, the procedure being performed, plus they've been marked as thank you gifts to their referral base or to promote a business/lab. Moreover, we don't charge laser marking fees nor do we believe in order minimums. If you want 4 blocks marked in a unique manner, we'll make it happen while boosting your organization efforts.
Organization takes on a whole new meaning, though, when a bur block is dropped or accidentally turned over. We all know what happens and cleaning an accidental bur spill means time, money, and frustration. You can nearly eliminate these concerns with our SureFit™ blocks-they all feature silicon plugs (pictured) that hold various shanks tight even if a block is turned upside down. Plus, since we offer 4 stock colors-you can order identical blocks but with different colors and that's been handy for some to identify which operatory the kit belongs to or to show support of their teams favorite colors!
SureFit blocks are:
Available in nearly limitless configurations, can be laser marked (optional), are a serious upgrade over faded/dated looking blocks, virtually spill proof, compatible with all known decontamination products, are available in SureFit Standard and SureFit Step, plus they look amazing.